We’re a few days shy of May Day — known to the rest of the world as International Workers’ Day. The U.S., however, prefers to call it the vaguely menacing “Loyalty Day” instead.

In OtherWords this week, Saurav Sarkar decides it’s a good time to ponder just how loyal the U.S. has been to its workers. Drawing on 50 years of data, he shows how things have in many ways gotten harder than ever for working people here. But, he says, there’s hope: A new Poor People’s Campaign that’s rising in 30-plus states.

Relatedly, Fran Teplitz reports on a different form of action: shareholder activism, where stockholders in a company call on it to improve its practices. She warns that new federal rules will make that more difficult.

Also this week, Sam Pizzigati explains how venture capitalists, not taxes, brought down the iconic “Toys R Us” chain. Mike Merryman-Lotze looks at the horrific conditions in Gaza underlying the recent protests there. And Jill Richardson wonders whether Trump’s “art of the deal” is all it was cracked up to be.

Finally, Jim Hightower says the Koch brothers are leading a silent coup. And Khalil Bendib tries to imagine the president’s thoughts on Starbucks’ shabby treatment of black customers.


Khalil Bendib / OtherWords.org

  1. Bring Back May Day / Saurav Sarkar
    Politicians have made a mess of things for American workers, but a new Poor People’s Campaign is rising to set things right.
  2. Corporations Should Have to Hear From Their Owners / Fran Teplitz
    New federal rules make it harder for shareholders to improve practices at the companies they invest in.
  3. Why Are Palestinians Protesting in Gaza? / Mike Merryman-Lotze
    As Americans, we bear direct responsibility for the horrific reality in Gaza.
  4. What ‘Toys R Us’ Teaches Us About Taxes / Sam Pizzigati
    The toy retailer flourished when taxes were high. Greedy investors, not taxes, brought down the iconic store.
  5. ‘The Art of the Deal’ Was a Lie / Jill Richardson
    The president, his ghostwriter says, isn’t the dealmaker he says he is. And his record bears that out.
  6. A Quiet Conspiracy of Billionaires / Jim Hightower
    For decades, the Koch brothers have led a secret coup for the billionaire class.
  7. Who Needs Sessions When You’ve Got Starbucks? / Khalil Bendib
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Peter Certo

Peter Certo is the editorial manager of the Institute for Policy Studies and the editor of OtherWords.org. 

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