This week in OtherWords, Phyllis Bennis weighs in on the carnage in Gaza and Peter Hart rebuts a common conservative storyline by showing how President Obama hasn’t retreated from using military force.

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  1. Violating International Law in Gaza / Phyllis Bennis
    As Israel’s assault claims the lives of hundreds of Palestinian children, there’s no doubt that it’s a form of collective punishment.
  2. Obama’s Mythical Retreat from Military Force / Peter Hart
    TV pundits and analysts could use a reality check.
  3. The NFL’s Drugs vs Thugs Double Standard / Joel Kendrick
    Why would the league discipline Ray Rice more lightly for assaulting his fiancée than if he got busted for pot?
  4. Making the World Safe for Trust Fund Babies / Chuck Collins
    Congress should reinforce the inheritance tax, not scrap it.
  5. A Prickly Question / Jill Richardson
    Should everyone pay a premium for food because Californians want to waste water?
  6. Hard Times Too Pervasive for Republicans to Ignore / Emily Schwartz Greco and William A. Collins
    The down and out just popped up on the conservative radar screen.
  7. Perry Imperils His Own Roadshow / Jim Hightower
    The Texas governor and GOP presidential hopeful is on the brink of getting indicted for corruption.
  8. Take Your Loot with You / Khalil Bendib cartoon

    Take Your Loot with You, an OtherWords cartoon by Khalil Bendib

    Take Your Loot with You, an OtherWords cartoon by Khalil Bendib

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Emily Schwartz Greco

Emily Schwartz Greco is the managing editor of OtherWords, a non-profit national editorial service run by the Institute for Policy Studies. @ESGreco

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