It’s almost Tax Day — have you paid your fair share?

If you’re a Wall Street bank, probably not. This week in OtherWords, my colleague Sarah Anderson reveals how big banks use legal loopholes to get around paying their full tax bill. And she proposes a surprisingly simple fix — call it a Wall Street sales tax.

Also this week, I take a look at the horrendous chemical weapons strike in Syria. Trump’s response — a missile strike on the Syrian regime — was a major flip-flop from his previous statements. Does that mean he could change his mind about letting refugees in, too?

In other news, Ebony Slaughter-Johnson reports on the Trump administration’s efforts to roll back civil rights reforms in our nation’s police departments. Jim Hightower introduces a chapter of nuns in Philadelphia who are taking on one of the country’s biggest banks. And Khalil Bendib illustrates a disturbing connection between Trump and some Fox News personalities.

Finally, if you’re doing any spring cleaning this month, I hope you’ll read Jill Richardson’s column on getting rid of your old stuff responsibly. It’s easier than you’d think!

Mysoginists of the world, Unite!

Khalil Bendib/

  1. After the Chemical Attack, It’s Time to Get Rid of the ‘Muslim Ban’ / Peter Certo
    Now that he cares about the fate of Syrian children, I hope Trump will open up our country — not bomb theirs.
  2. You Pay Your Fair Share. Shouldn’t Wall Street? / Sarah Anderson
    While you and I file our taxes, Republicans want to make it even easier for big banks to dodge them.
  3. Trump’s War on Urban ‘Carnage’ Was a Ruse / Ebony Slaughter-Johnson
    The president said he’d “send in the feds” to fix Chicago. On civil rights, he’s doing the opposite.
  4. Give Your Old Stuff to Others — Not the Landfill / Jill Richardson
    Saving the planet may be hard, but responsible spring cleaning doesn’t have to be.
  5. Nuns Take On Wells Fargo / Jim Hightower
    Some Philadelphia sisters are calling for a probe into the “root causes” of the bank’s corruption.
  6. Gropers Unite / Khalil Bendib
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Peter Certo

Peter Certo is the editorial manager of the Institute for Policy Studies and the editor of 

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