Sarah Palin and the Dozen Dwarfs

There are those–I won’t name them, they know who they are–who have taken to calling the slate of Republican presidential hopefuls “Sarah Palin and the Seven Dwarfs.” That’s unfair. There are way more than seven GOP politicians ready...

Perry’s ‘Texanity’ Explained

Occasionally, we Texans have a responsibility to explain our “Texanity” to befuddled out-of-staters. For example, you might’ve heard about Gov. Rick Perry, known for his chronic temper tantrums over Big Bad Government’s coercive intrusiveness...
The Dangers of Nuclear ‘Ice-Nine’

The Dangers of Nuclear ‘Ice-Nine’

The great cautionary tale of the 19th century is Frankenstein, Mary Shelly’s novel. It’s the story of a brilliant scientist, Victor Frankenstein, who builds a monster out of spare parts and then breathes life into it. Instead of being grateful to his...

Newt Fakes It

At last, Newt Gingrich has come bucking out of the presidential chute, shouting “Yippie-ty-yi-yo, here I go!” On March 3, that grizzled old cowpoke working the far-right-wing corral of American politics declared that he’s raring to go for the...