Social Security’s Dual-Income Trap

Social Security’s Dual-Income Trap

U.S. workers have paid a reduced Social Security tax rate of 4.2 percent for the past year and a half, down from the ordinary rate of 6.2 percent. For most Americans, this has meant some welcome tax relief. But one group is still paying more than its fair share....
Pentagon Spending Spree

Pentagon Spending Spree

Are you wondering where your tax dollars are going? Then take a look at the $642.5 billion stuffed into the National Defense Authorization Act, which the House of Representatives recently approved. House Republicans may spout plenty of concern about the nation’s...
The Changing Face of America

The Changing Face of America

We’ve been hearing about it for years, and now the time has come. In May, the Census Bureau announced that for the first time, the birth rate of people of color exceeded that of whites: 50.4 percent to 49.6 percent. The United States of America is still a...
Diplomacy Is the Only Way Forward with Iran

Diplomacy Is the Only Way Forward with Iran

Negotiators from the United States, the other four permanent members of the UN Security Council, and Germany recently met with an Iranian team in Baghdad to discuss Tehran’s nuclear ambitions. Although there’s still a long road ahead, this resumed...
Crushing College Dreams

Crushing College Dreams

As graduation season swings into high gear, a new economic crisis confronts thousands of this year’s high school and college grads — crushing college student loan debt. America’s student loan debt recently reached the $1-trillion mark. That’s...