How to Be a Merry Environmentalist

How to Be a Merry Environmentalist

Here’s something to consider this holiday season: Stop sending greeting cards. I know this sounds like a tip from the Grinch, but this well-meaning tradition causes very real environmental consequences. Americans mail over 1.6 billion holiday cards to each other...
What’s Next after Kayaktivism in Oregon

What’s Next after Kayaktivism in Oregon

Portland Mayor Charlie Hales recently took a step no other U.S. mayor in our country — and perhaps the world — has yet taken: He submitted a resolution to the city council calling for an end to all new fossil fuel infrastructure in the city. After listening to...
Indonesia on Fire

Indonesia on Fire

Students at the vocational high school in Pontianak, Indonesia always start their week with a ritual that’s familiar to many American students: a flag-raising ceremony. They line up in the central courtyard to sing the national anthem and pledge their...
The Golden Years Gap

The Golden Years Gap

Flo, the Progressive insurance pitch woman in the white uniform and headband, is relentlessly perky. She won’t be when she learns about the double standard that lets her CEO sock away millions more for retirement than she can. Whereas the Flos of the working...