Clinton’s Surprising Debate Stumble on Trade

Clinton’s Surprising Debate Stumble on Trade

In her first debate with Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton delivered one of her more memorable one-liners when she quipped, “I think Donald just criticized me for preparing for this debate. You know what else I prepared for? I prepared to be president.” Debate...
Trump Was Born on Third Base

Trump Was Born on Third Base

Donald Trump was born on third base, but claims he hit a triple. Throughout history, we’ve had many “born on third base” presidential candidates, including Mitt Romney, George W. Bush and now Trump. These politicians trumpet their business acumen, but...
Black Youth and Elusive Freedom

Black Youth and Elusive Freedom

This summer brought too many new videos of black men — Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, Phillando Castile in a St. Paul suburb, Terrence Crutcher in Tulsa, Oklahoma — losing their lives at the hands of police officers. As these videos circulated, I found myself crying...
Another For-Profit College Folds

Another For-Profit College Folds

Picking the right college isn’t a fun process. Whether you’re a high school student eyeing your next step or a bit older looking to improve your career, the cycle of researching dozens of schools, preparing lengthy applications, waiting to hear back, and then figuring...
The Climate Change Debate is Over

The Climate Change Debate is Over

Earlier this month, Hurricane Hermine caused storm surges that flooded the Florida coast, killed one person, and knocked out power for hundreds of thousands of homes and businesses. This is the first hurricane to make landfall in Florida since 2005’s Category 3...