Raise the Sub-Minimum Wage

Raise the Sub-Minimum Wage

As the fast food workers’ minimum wage campaign gains momentum, another group of workers is expanding the fight to address one of the least-known economic outrages. You may not realize it, but the measly $7.25 an hour McDonald’s and other fast-food giants...
A Higher Minimum Down Under

A Higher Minimum Down Under

Fast-food workers are holding strikes and demonstrations in dozens of U.S. cities. The “Fight for 15” campaign demands a $15 living wage and the right to form a union without interference from employers. Critics say a living wage would drive fast-food...
The Off-the-Cuff Breakthrough on Syria

The Off-the-Cuff Breakthrough on Syria

John Kerry may have just accidentally earned himself a Nobel Peace Prize. In off-the-cuff remarks to reporters, the Secretary of State reiterated his support for a U.S. attack on Syria, saying Bashar al-Assad could only ward off a U.S. strike by turning over his...
A Trumped-Up War on Welfare

A Trumped-Up War on Welfare

You’re the top 1 percent. You pocket one out of every five dollars of the nation’s income — more than double your slice of that pie in 1976. You want even more, but the masses are catching on. What do you do? You get your minions to attack the bottom 1...
The Russian-American Beat Must Go On

The Russian-American Beat Must Go On

The Edward Snowden drama has skipped from Washington through Hawaii and Hong Kong and into Moscow. Now, the storyline is back to Washington. Thanks to Russia’s decision to grant Snowden asylum for a year, Obama canceled a bilateral meeting with President...