Those Uninvited Guests at Your Barbecue

Those Uninvited Guests at Your Barbecue

Planning a Memorial Day barbecue? When you buy meat for that festive meal, watch out for some uninvited guests. An alarming amount of American meat harbors not just pathogens, but “superbugs” — antibiotic-resistant bacteria. For now, you’d better...
Overturning Citizens United

Overturning Citizens United

From tractors, chemicals and seeds, to farmers and food workers, supermarkets and consumers, there’s not a part of food and agriculture that big, often multinational, corporations don’t dominate. Much the same could be said about our democracy as campaign...

The War on Antibiotics

Would you like some antibiotic-resistant bacteria with your grilled chicken at your backyard barbecue? Of course not. But that likelihood continues to grow unless the government makes industry change the way most American farm animals are raised. American industrial...