The Stumpf Banking System

The Stumpf Banking System

“Stumpf” is a German adjective for someone who’s obtuse, slow on the uptake, imperceptive, or to put it bluntly, stupid. Ironically, it also happens to be the surname of Wells Fargo’s CEO, who’s now mired in the most shameful banking...
Presidential Politics and CEO Pay

Presidential Politics and CEO Pay

Politicians love to beat up on overpaid CEOs. In the wake of the 2008 financial crash, Republican presidential candidate John McCain lashed out at executives of bailed-out banks, calling for their pay to be cut to the salary level of the President of the United...
Taking Back Our Finance System

Taking Back Our Finance System

Instead of griping about the greedheads of Wall Street and the rip-off financial system they’ve hung around our necks, why don’t we Take On Wall Street? That’s both the name and the feisty attitude of a nationwide campaign that a coalition of grassroots groups has...
Debt Collectors Get Away With Daylight Robbery

Debt Collectors Get Away With Daylight Robbery

I thought Donnie Trump and his fellow Republicans were big law ‘n order politicians. So, why are they trying to scrap the sheriff and unleash thousands of robbers to run wild across America? The sheriff they want to nix is the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The...
You’re Overdrafted, They’re Overpaid

You’re Overdrafted, They’re Overpaid

Almost two-thirds of Americans today — 63 percent — don’t have enough savings to cover an unexpected $500 expense. Anything from an emergency brake job to a refrigerator on the fritz could zero out their bank accounts. Most American households, in other words, are...