Saving Tax Dollars by Treading More Lightly

Saving Tax Dollars by Treading More Lightly

I can’t easily reduce my own footprint on the planet in some of the ways that I’d like. Sure, I can walk and take the bus instead of driving some of the time, and I can turn off the lights when I leave a room. What about the big stuff? I’m talking about retrofitting...
The Bibi-GOP Clown Show

The Bibi-GOP Clown Show

That Bibi is such a piece of work. On March 3, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu walked into our Capitol as though he owned the place, stuck a thumb in President Barack Obama’s eye, and walked out to multitudes of cheering Republicans. Is that a mensch or...
Giuliani: Nutball or Sleazeball?

Giuliani: Nutball or Sleazeball?

I’m trying to make up my mind about Rudy Giuliani: I can’t decide whether he’s a nutball or a sleazeball. For now I’m going with a sleazy nutball, but I’m open to suggestions. In a series of hysterical attacks on Barack Obama in recent weeks, Giuliani has all but...
Who’s the Boss?

Who’s the Boss?

Here’s a quiz: Your boss gives you a budget. You ignore it and ask for more money than anyone in your position has ever spent. How long would you expect to keep your job? That’s basically the scenario that played out with the Obama administration’s recent budget...