Gagging on the Gig Economy

Gagging on the Gig Economy

No doubt you’ll be thrilled to learn that we now live and work in a “gig economy.” That’s the latest corporate buzz-phrase from Silicon Valley. CEOs there are hailing a Brave New Workplace in which we lucky worker bees no longer have to be...
Uber Goes Under in Austin

Uber Goes Under in Austin

Pouty, whiney, spoiled-bratism isn’t nice coming from a four-year-old. But it’s altogether grotesque when it comes from billion-dollar corporations like Uber and Lyft. The two car-for-hire companies call their service “ridesharing.” But these...
These Billboards Have Eyes

These Billboards Have Eyes

OK people, we need to discuss billboards. Yes, we really must. At best, these giant corporate placards are problematic — they loom garishly over us, clutter our landscapes, and intrude into our communities with no respect for local aesthetics or preferences. Now,...