Three Strikes against Apple

Three Strikes against Apple

In college, I considered my Apple laptop a faithful, effective, and occasionally even fun machine. A year past graduation, this constant companion to late nights spent studying, working, or wasting time has aged into a decrepit device. Like the old Windows hourglass,...
Mobile Mugging

Mobile Mugging

A recent T-Mobile commercial depicts a cellphone customer being harassed by two thugs in business suits, his pockets emptied, his wallet turned inside out, and every last penny shaken out of him. The gist: He’s being mugged by T-Mobile’s competitors, which...
Stop Investing in Sexism

Stop Investing in Sexism

My entire working life, roughly 50 years, I’ve been hearing the same old excuses for women not advancing in corporate America. Two are dominant: “we can’t find qualified women,” and “just wait until the pipeline gets filled and things...
Tax Holiday Would Cheat American Taxpayers

Tax Holiday Would Cheat American Taxpayers

What if your family’s finances were tight, and you had a water bill that you couldn’t afford to pay? What if you had a client who owed you enough to cover the water bill? Would you tell your family they would have to go without water, or would you tell...