Foreign Meddling in Our Vote? Remember How This Feels.

Foreign Meddling in Our Vote? Remember How This Feels.

Even in an election year as shot through with conspiracy theories as this one, it would have been hard to imagine a bigger bombshell than Russia intervening to help Donald Trump. But that’s exactly what the CIA believes happened, or so unnamed “officials brief on the...
Sorry, I Can’t Give Trump a Chance

Sorry, I Can’t Give Trump a Chance

As Donald Trump plans his transition into the White House, some have called for “unity.” Let’s “come together,” they say. Let’s “give him a chance.” I say no. When a man abuses his wife, you don’t tell her to give...
Who Won in 2016? Big Money.

Who Won in 2016? Big Money.

In one of Agatha Christie’s murder mysteries, the key clue that solved the whodunit wasn’t something that happened, but something that didn’t — specifically, a dog that didn’t bark. That plot fits one of the great mysteries of this year’s...
Eight Ways to Strengthen Our Democracy Beyond Voting

Eight Ways to Strengthen Our Democracy Beyond Voting

Throughout this trying election season, we’ve been told how much is at stake with our vote. But the success of any democracy depends on continuing to pay attention long after we cast our ballots. So let’s pledge to strengthen our democracy with a few resolutions to...