Wisconsin Wakeup Call

Wisconsin Wakeup Call

We’re nice people out here in Dairyland. Just ask anyone — that’s our reputation. But the purple state of Wisconsin is a political microcosm of today’s divided America. The bitter battle over whether to recall our governor divided this state like the...

Defending the Ballot Box

The 2008 election was a hopeful one for African Americans in our democracy — not because of who was elected, but because of who turned out to vote. We voted at a nearly identical rate to our white neighbors for the first time in U.S. history. In fact,...

Reading Frog Entrails

The Iowa caucuses may be over by the time you read this. But it doesn’t matter. The caucuses are the second-most fraudulent event on the nation’s political calendar. The first, of course, is the Ames Straw Poll. It’s entirely meaningless, but...
Buyer’s Remorse

Buyer’s Remorse

The latest local and state elections results suggest that voters have second thoughts about the tea party’s political agenda. Consider the following: In Ohio, unions scored a victory. Voters elected tea-party-backed John Kasich as their Republican governor last...