A 2-Pronged Assault on Women

A 2-Pronged Assault on Women

We heard a lot about the “war on women” during the 2012 election cycle — mostly over Republican attacks on abortion rights and birth control. While the phrase has faded in this election year go-round, the war on women has not. The only change is that now...
Ohio Proves It: Rehabilitation Works

Ohio Proves It: Rehabilitation Works

You might not guess it from the Republican governor or GOP-dominated legislature, but Ohio is proving itself the most progressive state in the union when it comes to youth prison reform. The Buckeye State has shifted away from punishing kids who get ensnared in the...
The Humpty Dumpty Party

The Humpty Dumpty Party

Is Donald Trump’s presidential bid terrifying you? Try to relax. The bullying billionaire probably can’t make it to the White House. He needs to win a majority of all voters, not just Republicans. That will be tough when nearly two out of three of Americans already...
The Unelectibility Winning Streak

The Unelectibility Winning Streak

To use a phrase that doesn’t come readily to my lips: “Well I’ll be danged.” New Hampshire, that bastion of sensible conservatism and rectitude, gave us not one unelectable candidate, but two — Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders. Trumpmentum has only edged up since...