Getting to the Point

Getting to the Point

Food writer Michael Pollan once jammed the essence of his work into seven words: “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.” His brevity inspired me as the managing editor of OtherWords, a non-profit editorial service that distributes opinion pieces and editorial...
Journalists Should Stand Up for Whistleblowers

Journalists Should Stand Up for Whistleblowers

The Obama administration’s ongoing crusade against government whistleblowers — which culminated last year in the imprisonment of former CIA officer Jeffrey Sterling — has reignited a debate over the role journalists should play in defending their profession and the...
Why Isn’t the Media Feeling the Bern?

Why Isn’t the Media Feeling the Bern?

Let’s go to the scoreboard to see who’s winning the exciting presidential election media coverage game. The Tyndall Report, a non-partisan media monitoring firm that has been tracking the nightly news broadcasts of ABC, CBS, and NBC, found that Trump is...
Please Don’t Shoot the Moderators

Please Don’t Shoot the Moderators

We were treated to a classic man-bites-dog moment at the latest Republican presidential debate. There the moderators were, CNBC’s finest, lying in ambush with their carefully crafted “when did you stop beating your wife” questions at the ready. But as soon as they...