Unfriending ALEC

Unfriending ALEC

Exactly 54 days after Lisa B. Nelson started her job as the CEO of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), she got some bad news from a major supporter: The tech giant Google wanted out of its relationship with ALEC. Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt...
Paying for Poor Performance

Paying for Poor Performance

On Wall Street, they’re giving Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer the bum’s rush. Ballmer has just announced he’ll soon retire. After his announcement, Microsoft’s shares shot up 7 percent. The wise guys on Wall Street obviously can’t wait to...
The Trojan Horse in the Debt Debate

The Trojan Horse in the Debt Debate

It’s budget showdown time in Washington. With various tax increases and spending cuts set to kick in at the end of the year, the pressure is on for Republicans and Democrats to make a deal. A major player in this hot debate is a new corporate coalition called...