The Rich are Profiting Like It’s 1929

The Rich are Profiting Like It’s 1929

No wonder the American people are confused — about the economy, the nation, the Middle East, the onrushing election, and everything else. People keep feeding them bad information. For example, how many times have you heard a commentator say that the mess in...
The OMG Congress

The OMG Congress

You can tell politicians are getting nervous. They’re playing the “In God We Trust” card again. You’d think that card’s all but worn out — Congress did, after all, make the slogan the nation’s official motto in 1956 —...
Gridlock and Bedlam

Gridlock and Bedlam

My friend Richard is a little crazy and very smart. He spends his days filling the Internet with screeds and rants on his favorite subject — the continuing collapse of our society. I’d tell you his last name, but if you wrote him, you’d get his scary...
High Noon in Washington

High Noon in Washington

Most Americans, riveted by reports about the manufactured crisis surrounding the debt ceiling, assumed that we “dodged the bullet” when Congress finally authorized the U.S. Treasury to pay its bills. The sad, tragic truth for our nation’s economy and...
You Can’t Milk a Butter Cow

You Can’t Milk a Butter Cow

Tim Pawlenty, erstwhile governor of Minnesota, gave up his bid for the presidency after finishing third in Iowa’s Ames Straw Poll, shocking the vast majority of Americans who didn’t know he was running. I don’t know whether it was a wise move or not,...