Playing Chicken in the Capitol

Playing Chicken in the Capitol

The problem with the game of chicken — two people racing toward each other, each daring the other to turn aside — is that the crazy one always wins. The one who doesn’t care about head-on collisions has a stunted imagination and can’t conceive...

The Abortion War Cranks Up

America recorded 1.2 million abortions in 2008. While this sounds like a lot, the availability of birth control and sex education has greatly reduced the U.S. abortion rate over the years. So has the invention of new post-sex “Plan B” drugs. Europe boasts...

Sarah Palin and the Dozen Dwarfs

There are those–I won’t name them, they know who they are–who have taken to calling the slate of Republican presidential hopefuls “Sarah Palin and the Seven Dwarfs.” That’s unfair. There are way more than seven GOP politicians ready...

Newt Fakes It

At last, Newt Gingrich has come bucking out of the presidential chute, shouting “Yippie-ty-yi-yo, here I go!” On March 3, that grizzled old cowpoke working the far-right-wing corral of American politics declared that he’s raring to go for the...

My Favorite Republican

There’s been a good deal happening lately needing immediate attention, but it’s not too late to recognize the 50th anniversary of one of our great presidential speeches–Dwight D. Eisenhower’s farewell address. The only part of it much...