Uber Goes Under in Austin

Uber Goes Under in Austin

Pouty, whiney, spoiled-bratism isn’t nice coming from a four-year-old. But it’s altogether grotesque when it comes from billion-dollar corporations like Uber and Lyft. The two car-for-hire companies call their service “ridesharing.” But these...
That ‘Natural’ Label Doesn’t Mean Much

That ‘Natural’ Label Doesn’t Mean Much

Scenario: You’re at the store, trying to make healthy yet frugal choices. You see several products labeled “organic” and others labeled “natural.” You’re trying to buy good food and household products for less, and those organic...
When Red Tape Is a Good Thing

When Red Tape Is a Good Thing

One of the dirtiest words in politics is “regulation.” It conjures up images of confusing paperwork, red tape, and obstacles to progress and innovation. However, when it comes to guaranteeing that the water we drink is lead-free, the air we breathe is...
Belgian Awful

Belgian Awful

The ISIS supporters who attacked Brussels killed more than 30 people and injured hundreds more. Bombings at the city’s airport and a subway station blew up the notion that measures taken after the Paris siege were keeping Europe safe. The scariest part of this story...