In this week’s OtherWords editorial package, Donald Kaul underscores the GOP’s intransigence over raising the debt ceiling, Jim Hightower lambastes Wisconsin’s Racine County’s decision to get prison laborers to do some jobs previously handled by public-sector workers, and William A. Collins highlights the stark decline in social services that’s rendering the poor increasingly “invisible and voiceless.” Get all this and more in your inbox by subscribing to our weekly newsletter. If you haven’t signed up yet, please do.

  1. Murdoch Gets Caught Red-Handed / Saul Landau
  2. Heading for Havana / Sharon Hostetler
  3. End the Annual Fluff Outbreaks / Jason Salzman
  4. Making the U.S.-Pakistan Relationship Less Toxic / Emma Lecavalier
  5. Blame the No-Way Party for the Debt Ceiling Collision / Donald Kaul
  6. A Right-Wing Jobs Program for America / Jim Hightower
  7. Shredding the Safety Net / William A. Collins
  8. Deadly Fluff / Khalil Bendib

Deadly Fluff

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