Here’s what you’ll find in the latest OtherWords editorial package, which features an op-ed by Manuel Pérez-Rocha and a cartoon by Khalil Bendib about immigration. In his weekly column, William A. Collins explores the consequences of U.S. military overreach. Get all this and more in your inbox by subscribing to our weekly newsletter. If you haven’t signed up yet, please do.

  1. Misguided U.S. Economic Policies Drive Many Mexicans to Come Here / Manuel Pérez-Rocha
  2. Kagan’s Fascinating Conversations / Marge Baker
  3. Kids, Condoms, Controversy / Danielle Zielinski
  4. Congress Should Protect National Security Whistleblowers / Shanna Devine
  5. Detroit Farm Concept Belongs in the Junkyard / Donald Kaul
  6. Spending on the Rich, Cutting Back on the Rest of Us / Jim Hightower
  7. We’ve Got Empire Stress Disorder / William A. Collins
  8. Help Wanted / Khalil Bendib
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