The Year of the Screwball

This is going to go down as the Year of the Screwball Election. Never before have so many nutcases, whackos, and practicing lunatics come out of their caves to run for public office. (Not all of them came from caves, of course. Some tied sheets together and climbed...

Is Free Speech just for Corporations?

The big brand-name corporations love advertising. They love it so much that they spend some $170 billion a year in our country to put all sorts of slicken and hokum on their products, and on their own public image. But there is one kind of advertising that these...

Tax the Rich

My accountant Found a niche; Lowered my taxes, Though I’m rich. Taxes, like death, may be certain. Unlike death they can be finagled. Finagling works best if you’re rich and can join with brethren to hire accountants, lawyers, lobbyists, and politicians to...

The Lineup: Week of October 18-24, 2010

Here’s what you’ll find in the latest OtherWords editorial package. This week, Andrew Korfhage calls on Congress to get chocolate companies to stop using suppliers that rely on enslaved child labor. And Jim Hightower explains that despite our...