Oh, Brother

Perhaps by now we are accustomed to the annual right-wing co-opting of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s legacy. Over at FPIF, Mark Engler offers an instructive example from the Pentagon. He quotes DoD’s general counsel Jeh C. Johnson: “I believe that if Dr....

The Lineup: Week of January 17-23, 2011

In this week’s OtherWords editorial package, Donald Kaul and John Feffer reflect on the insane national context for the tragic attack on Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in Tucson and cartoonist Khalil Bendib illustrates their points in this week’s editorial...
Ruled by Rifles

Ruled by Rifles

The Pentagon and the National Rifle Association have a lot in common these days. They’re in love with guns. They maintain powerful lobbies. They refuse to acknowledge the dangerous consequences of their policies. And they’re both on the defensive. After...

The Tragic U.S. Strategy in Afghanistan

Albert Einstein famously defined insanity as “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” If that doesn’t accurately describe the more than nine-year-old U.S. war in Afghanistan, I don’t know what does. The results of the surge of tens...

Baby Scapegoats

I’d like to welcome America’s first baby of 2011 to the world. Eighteen seconds into New Year’s Day, Peter Gabriel Imson was delivered on the U.S. territory of Guam. Named for the former lead singer in the band Genesis, little Peter Gabriel weighed...