
Overturning Citizens United

Overturning Citizens United

From the equipment, chemicals, and seeds on the farm, to farmers and food workers, to supermarkets and consumers, there’s not a part of food and agriculture that big, often multinational, corporations don’t dominate.

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The United Nations is Failing Syria

The United Nations is Failing Syria

The United Nations Security Council, which is supposed to be the bulwark of global peace and security, has failed in its response to these popular uprisings, especially in the Middle East and North Africa. Inaction over Syria has left the Council seeming woefully unfit for its primary purpose: maintaining international peace.

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Not Only the Cows Are Mad

Not Only the Cows Are Mad

The Department of Agriculture determined in April that a cow from California died from an always-fatal disease that triggers dementia and can be transmitted to people. The chilling news about the latest mad cow case was no surprise for me. I’ve been trying for two decades to stop the cattle feeding practices that transmit bovine spongiform encephalopathy, commonly called mad cow disease.

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Mother Nature Doesn’t Quit

Mother Nature Doesn’t Quit

Rather than find ways to cooperate with the natural world, America’s agribusiness giants reach for the next quick fix in a futile effort to overpower nature. Their attitude is that if brute force isn’t working, they’re probably not using enough of it.

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