
Libya War Is No Pentagon Lifeline

Libya War Is No Pentagon Lifeline

The United States is fighting another war–of unknown scope and length–in Libya. At a time of budget-cutting fever on Capitol Hill, the war represents a potential lifeline for the Pentagon. If you believe the Libya operation justifies current U.S. military spending levels–or even an increase–think again.

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News Flash: Americans Aren’t Anti-Worker

When Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker decided to use a battle over his state’s budget deficit to go after public-sector workers, a lot of folks in the mainstream media thought this was a smart move. People are tired of “overpaid” government workers and their cushy benefits, according to conventional wisdom. And, after all, Walker had to do something. The state was “broke,” the TV broadcasters told us.

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Islamophobia is Un-American

Earlier this year, hundreds of people turned out in Yorba Linda, California to protest the appearance of two highly controversial Muslim speakers at a dinner held to benefit local charitable projects. The scene outside the social hall quickly turned ugly, even frightening.

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Torturers? Who, Us?

There are today a number of honorable Western governments seeking to punish the perpetrators of torture. Unfortunately, the Obama administration isn’t among them. This failure of will is doubly lamentable because the best-known contemporary torturers happen to be from the United States. It’s still a bit hard to conjure up President Barack Obama’s rationale for protecting the guilty parties. But whatever that reason may be, it hardly seems worthy.

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The Lineup: Week of April 4-10, 2011

In this week’s OtherWords editorial package, we’ve got three Tax Day op-eds–including one by Chuck Collins that tells Congress where to find $400 billion a year in revenue–and a cartoon by Khalil Bendib lampooning GOP budget priorities

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