
Kagan’s Opponents

Conservative criticism of Kagan’s nomination might be getting more ink, but plenty of people on the left don’t want Elena Kagan to serve on the Supreme Court either.

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Trillion-Dollar War Tab

The National Priorities Project’s Cost of War counter, which measures the flow of money Congress  appropriates for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, will reach the $1 trillion mark on May 30, the organization predicts

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Times Square Bomber Popped a Bubble

Bubbles are built on illusions. We believed that our high-tech companies and, after that, our houses would continue to rise in value and then…pop! We believed that we could continue offshore oil drilling without environmental consequences and then…pop! And we believed that the drone program in Pakistan, which expanded in 2009 and has killed hundreds of civilians, would not generate any blowback and then…Faisal Shahzad.

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Constitution v. Corporations

With her impressive resume and intellectual ability, Solicitor General Elena Kagan is obviously qualified to be a Supreme Court judge. We’ll hear all about that as senators and journalists dig into the record of President Barack Obama’s nominee to replace Justice John Paul Stevens.

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