Neighbors Banding Together in Tough Times

We’re rooting for President Barack Obama and Congress to fix the economy, hoping they’ll find a way to compensate for the 7.4 million jobs that have disappeared since 2007 and assist the 1.7 million people who have lost their homes. But we also need to...

Let’s Get America’s Health Out of the ER

It’s time for a constructive debate about health care that hinges on facts instead of fear. Let’s have no more circus-type antics in our town halls or perpetuating silly myths about how “big government wants to kill grandma.” Or warnings that...

What Happened to the Crackdown on Executive Pay?

Last February, amid public anger over millions in bonuses at bailed-out insurance giant AIG, our top national political leaders rushed to express their outrage — and even took some steps to place a lid on over-the-top executive pay. That lid has now come off....

Is That Congress Calling Detroit Incompetent?

I’m always conflicted when I watch some fat-cat miscreant being worked over at a Congressional hearing. On the one hand, the person on the spit usually deserves it.  He or she has almost certainly violated the public trust in a way so obvious that it caught even the...