Letters to the Editor: Antibiotics, Jobs, War, and God

In response to The War on Antibiotics by Ben Lilliston, “bystander” quipped on Common Dreams, a great website with a very active commenting community that ran this OtherWords op-ed, “You discount the advantages of this. Next time you are sick, just...

The War on Antibiotics

Would you like some antibiotic-resistant bacteria with your grilled chicken at your backyard barbecue? Of course not. But that likelihood continues to grow unless the government makes industry change the way most American farm animals are raised. American industrial...

Immigrants Don’t Hog Farm Jobs

United Farm Workers members clearly have a sense of humor. Their “take our jobs” campaign invites and actually recruits the nation’s citizens and legal immigrants (including those who blame undocumented workers for America’s high unemployment...

Fighting Obesity in the Classroom

As a co-founder and the current creative director of the Rancho La Puerta fitness resort and Golden Door spas, Deborah Szekely has long been known as a pioneer in health and wellness. She’s now focusing on a new target audience: our nation’s children....

Petroleum and Silly Putty on the Menu

Chicken McNuggets sold in the United States contain more fat and have more calories than the same item that McDonald’s sells in the U.K., CNN reports. Even more alarming, American McNugget consumers ingest “the chemical preservative tBHQ, tertiary...
Banks Profit While Our Farmers Fail

Banks Profit While Our Farmers Fail

Bruce Drinkman is a successful organic dairy farmer who milks 50 cows with his wife, Mari, near Glenwood City, Wisconsin. Despite his 34 years of experience, the two-year drop in milk prices and four years of drought have meant no profits or savings. Last fall they...