Our Endless State of War

Our Endless State of War

When will wartime Ever end? Always seems Around the bend. Combat’s different today than when your grandfather earned his medals. Armies no longer advance and retreat along battle lines. Tanks no longer maneuver. Fleets don’t engage. We’re past all...
Our Nuclear Insecurity Complex

Our Nuclear Insecurity Complex

Back in July, an 82-year-old nun and two fellow peace activists breached the security at the Y-12 nuclear weapons facility in Tennessee. The red-faced federal officials who subsequently promised thorough oversight proclaimed they had “no tolerance” for...
Please Don’t Shoot the Messengers

Please Don’t Shoot the Messengers

Whistleblowers Suffer woe To tell us what We need to know. When you picture classified documents, don’t visions of spy lists, nuclear ignition formulas, cross-sections of bomber wings, or diagrams of missile trajectories come to mind? Well, those documents...
How to Make our Embassies Safer

How to Make our Embassies Safer

The deaths of our diplomats in Benghazi turned the national spotlight where it doesn’t often go — to the security around our embassies and how much we spend on it. In the overheated atmosphere of the election endgame, Republican candidate Mitt Romney and his...