Trump is the Nation’s Abuser-in-Chief

Trump is the Nation’s Abuser-in-Chief

As an emotional abuse survivor, I get an eerie feeling watching Donald Trump. In fact, a checklist of 30 tactics used by an emotionally abusive partner, published by the blog Live Bold and Bloom, reads like Donald Trump’s debate prep to-do list. One of the...
Prison Labor is Slavery by Another Name

Prison Labor is Slavery by Another Name

Right now there’s a national movement mobilizing to raise the federal minimum wage to a living wage of $15 an hour. But imagine if instead of earning even that much, you could only earn a few cents an hour. If that sounds like something from the developing world,...
Is Trump Committed to Democratic Rule of Law?

Is Trump Committed to Democratic Rule of Law?

Donald Trump’s rhetoric has been so dangerously outside the bounds of normal American political discourse — which, at least, pays lip service to constitutional governance and democratic rule — that legitimate questions about whether he could be relied on to fully and...
His Bigoted Majesty

His Bigoted Majesty

A University of Michigan student has officially changed his personal pronoun to “His Majesty.” The student, who is politically conservative, did so to call attention to and ridicule the university policy which allows students to select their own designated...