Food and Farming

A Toxic Cocktail

A Toxic Cocktail

Shrimp cocktail makes a great finger food for holiday parties. Right? Only if you have no idea how those crustaceans were produced. Because if you did, you wouldn't want to eat shrimp again. Before I go on, I'll say this: There is good shrimp out there. Monterey Bay...

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Fast Food Giants Gorge on Subsidies

Fast Food Giants Gorge on Subsidies

The fast food industry is notorious for handing out lean paychecks to their burger flippers and fat ones to their CEOs. What's less well-known is that taxpayers are actually subsidizing fast food incomes at both the bottom — and top — of the industry. Take, for...

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Save the Turkeys

Save the Turkeys

It's odd that the most iconic feature of Thanksgiving — the turkey — is likely the most unnatural. It's got competition, of course, from the jellied cranberry sauce that retains the shape of its can and various food products sold in boxes marked "Just Add Water."...

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Genetically Engineered Truth

Genetic Engineering Lies Prevail Again

If you doubt that big money and lies can pervert elections, look at Initiative 522 in Washington State. A grassroots coalition of consumers, organic producers, environmentalists, and others who want honesty in food labeling put it on the ballot. They lost. The measure...

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