July was the hottest month in world history — and unfortunately, that record may not last long.

If all that has you feeling a bit anxious, you’re not alone. This week in OtherWords, Fatima Gutierrez writes about “climate anxiety,” which is increasingly being recognized as a mental health challenge.

The good news, Fatima explains, is that research also suggests a promising complement to other mental health treatments: taking action locally. That’s right — doing a little environmental work in your community, however small, might be good for your mental health as well as the planet. Worth a try, right?

Also this week. Jyotsna Naidu argues that our lawmakers owe us a real debate over military spending. Kassidy Jacobs shares her story of how public programs helped her become the first person in her family to graduate college. And Sonali Kolhatkar insists that for all its charms, the new “Barbie” movie is still a commercial for an outdated toy.

I’ll be out on vacation next week, but we’ll have more new stuff soon after. (Did someone get indicted? I’ll have to look it up.)

New This Week…

Anxious About the Climate? There’s a Solution. | Fatima Gutierrez
Mental health challenges are rising alongside temperatures. Research suggests that taking action can help.

Democracy Needs Healthy Debates About War and Peace | Jyotsna Naidu
Congress spent the last “military spending” debate rehashing the culture wars — not the nearly $1 trillion Pentagon budget itself.

Another Chance to Reduce Child Poverty | Kassidy Jacobs
My story is proof that public programs can help kids escape poverty. Now lawmakers have a chance to help more kids get out.

Sorry, But Barbie Is Still a Problem | Sonali Kolhatkar
The highly anticipated “Barbie” movie is really just an expensive ad campaign for an outdated doll.

In Case You Missed It…

The Korean War Must End | Cathi Choi
A fragile ceasefire halted the Korean War 70 years ago. With nuclear tensions rising and the environment under threat, it’s time to end it for good.

A Bittersweet Milestone for the Anti-Poverty Movement | Shailly Gupta Barnes
Two years after the first payments went out, what have we learned from the prematurely abandoned Child Tax Credit expansion?

New Label, Same Old Business As Usual | Jim Hightower
The “No Labels” movement doesn’t stand for much, but one issue unites it: getting more money in politics, not less.

Cultivating the Next Crop of America’s Farmers | Danielle Browne
America’s farmers are aging. To avoid a crisis, we need to lower the economic barriers of entry for young farmers.

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Peter Certo

Peter Certo is the communications director of the Institute for Policy Studies and editor of OtherWords.org.

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