Nothing makes home feel like home like the holidays.

This week, housing advocate Kazmyn Ramos writes about watching her family struggle to provide stable housing, working with housing insecure mothers, and pulling together with neighbors to provide for each other. As Americans plan trips home for the holidays, she outlines a few common sense ideas to put roofs over more heads in this country.

Of course, for many of us the holidays also mean a good deal of shopping — whether for gifts or an ugly Christmas sweater party. This week in OtherWords, Sonali Kolhatkar writes about the Bangladeshi garment workers who pay the price for all those holiday clothing deals — and says the best gift we can give them is to make their employers pay a living wage.

Also this week, Jim Hightower calls out the corporations who are trying to save “junk fees.” And cartoonist Khalil Bendib calls the COP28 climate conference more of a “cop-out.”

New This Week…

The Importance of Home | Kazmyn Ramos
For generations, poor people have relied on each other to keep a roof over their heads. But in the world’s wealthiest country, we need more.

The High Cost of Low Holiday Prices | Sonali Kolhatkar
Give a gift to the starving workers who made your favorite holiday sweater — tell their employers to pay up.

Corporations Want to Save Junk Fees | Jim Hightower
Can you squeeze blood from a turnip? Some big corporations want to try — and you’re the turnip.

CARTOON: COP-Out 28 | Khalil Bendib
Key players are using the COP28 climate conference to defend fossil fuels.

In Case You Missed It…

The Pentagon Just Can’t Pass an Audit | Lindsay Koshgarian
Conservative lawmakers calling for cuts should start with the agency that can’t account for $1.9 trillion — not the programs Americans rely on.

It Takes Strength to Survive Poverty — and a Safety Net to Escape It  | Asia Walters
As a struggling single mom, I’ve learned that poverty is a policy choice, not a personal one. We can reverse it — if we choose.

I Help Seniors Get Health Care. Shouldn’t I Be Able to Afford My Own? | Christina Jemenez
President Biden needs to stand up for federal call center workers like my colleagues and me.

How to Make America More Affordable | Bilal Baydoun
Regulation and public investment are a better response to high prices than more interest rate hikes.

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Peter Certo

Peter Certo is the communications director of the Institute for Policy Studies and editor of

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