This week in OtherWords, veteran attorney Mitchell Zimmerman makes the case for expanding the Supreme Court. If we don’t, he argues, our system risks ending up like Iran’s — where elections happen but take a back seat to the rulings of fundamentalist jurists.

Meanwhile, Jim Hightower marvels at the GOP’s embrace not only of the religious far right, but of violent white nationalists and unhinged conspiracy theorists like Q-anon. Where the late Senator Barry Goldwater once praised “extremism in defense of liberty,” Hightower says his predecessors now prefer “nuttiness in defense of extremism.”

Also this week, we offer a first-person account from Donald Gardner, a formerly homeless and incarcerated advocate who now works with other returning citizens and people who need housing. Donald shares a bit from his fascinating life story, but emphasizes that what happened to him can happen to anyone — so we need deep policy changes to prevent it.

Thanks for your patience while I was out last week. We’ll be back with more soon.

New This Week…

How to Prevent an American Theocracy | Mitchell Zimmerman
Six judges shouldn’t get to overturn the will of voters and destroy our rights. Expand the Supreme Court.

Homelessness Is a Policy Choice — And We Can Choose Differently | Donald Gardner
Much of my adult life has been spent homeless or incarcerated. Here’s how we can help people keep a roof over their heads.

Even Goldwater Would Be Too Left for Today’s Republicans | Jim Hightower
The GOP is harnessing the fanatical horsepower of neo-confederates and Q-anon extremists to entrench corporate elites.

If At First You Don’t Succeed…. | Khalil Bendib
Can the January 6 revelations prevent another Trump run at the presidency?

In Case You Missed It…

To Defend Our Rights, Defend Our Democracy | Sulma Arias
The attack on abortion rights is part of a bigger campaign against democracy. The late John Lewis offers a model to overcome it.

Most Americans Support Abortion Rights. Do Your Leaders? | Martha Burk
Now’s a good time to search out their position. If they oppose your fundamental rights, then it’s your right to send them packing.

Reform the Supreme Court | Farrah Hassen
Unelected judges shouldn’t have the power to take away rights most Americans support.

We Have a Smoking Gun — Now Indict Trump | Mitchell Zimmerman
If Trump gets a “get out of jail free” card after trying to join armed rioters at the Capitol, the dangers are incalculable.

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Peter Certo

Peter Certo is the editorial manager of the Institute for Policy Studies and editor of

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