Not Much to Celebrate with Obama’s Tax Deal

We enter 2011 with a few more dollars in our paychecks. For about 98 percent of Americans, the extension of Bush tax cuts and the new payroll tax holiday will make it easier for us to afford a gallon, rather than a quart, of milk for our families each month, and to...

Big Food’s Blame Game

Corporations spend hundreds of millions of dollars each year marketing a dangerous product to America’s children. No one disputes the danger of the product. No one disputes that the marketing successfully convinces millions of kids to use the product. Yet these...

Washington at Work–for the Wealthy

Scroll through the right-wing blogosphere, or listen in at a tea party rally, and you’ll find angry people ranting about an out-of-control federal government that’s redistributing the nation’s wealth to the undeserving poor. Those rants do have one...

Four Hundred Thousand Reasons to Vote

They say that the definition of a political gaffe is a politician caught telling the truth. Recently, former Wyoming Senator Alan Simpson got in trouble for speaking his mind about Social Security. Simpson, the co-chair of President Barack Obama’s task force on...