Safe Food, from Soil to Plate

E. coli-laden romaine lettuce recently sickened dozens of Americans in five states, as a food-related listeria outbreak killed at least two Texans. These were just the latest in a string of similar incidents. An endless deluge of foodborne illness outbreaks demands...

Times Square Bomber Popped a Bubble

The bubble is bursting. I’m not talking about the Greek economy, the collapse of which has bankers and finance ministers trembling from Athens to Antarctica. Nor am I talking about the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, which reminds us once again that our current...

Let’s Rein In Tax Cheats

The government’s treatment of UBS banking whistleblower Brad Birkenfeld, who is credited with shattering Swiss bank secrecy and revealing massive tax evasion by Americans, has alarmed government accountability advocates nationwide. Birkenfeld is the only person...

Nukes Aren’t the Answer

When President Obama rolled out his proposed budget to Congress for the coming year, he said it would build “on the largest investment in clean energy in history.” But Obama’s definition of “clean energy” includes a commitment to help...