This Week in OtherWords: September 25, 2013

This Week in OtherWords: September 25, 2013

This week in OtherWords, Marge Baker sizes up the next big campaign-finance case before the Supreme Court, Chuck Collins explains why you should see Inequality for All, and Jason Salzman predicts that Colorado isn’t going to be split into two states. On our...
Our Road to Elysium

Our Road to Elysium

The Hollywood blockbuster film, Elysium, depicts a polarized Los Angeles in the year 2154. The vast majority of inhabitants live in overpopulated and polluted slums, toiling in grinding poverty. Meanwhile, a wealthy elite live on Elysium, a space station modeled after...
This Week in OtherWords: September 25, 2013

A Golden Rule that Might Chip Away at Inequality

Watching grown men fulminate in public can be unnerving. Michael Piwowar and Daniel Gallagher — two distinctly CEO-friendly members of the federal Securities and Exchange Commission — recently did plenty of fulminating. Piwowar and Gallagher had little choice. They...
How Do We Overcome Our Numbness?

How Do We Overcome Our Numbness?

The flag positioned at half-mast was the only indication that anything had happened at all. American University was lush with early-autumn excitement and the quad was full of beginning-of-the-semester, carefree energy. There were no panicked email alerts, no worried...
Remembering Saul Landau, 1936-2013

Remembering Saul Landau, 1936-2013

By divine intervention, Saul Landau entered my life 12 years ago and taught me how to write, film, and live with dignity. We instantly bonded over having fathers from the “old country” — his father from Ukraine, mine from Syria — and being Semites with...