Peace and Security

Closing the Door on Torture

Closing the Door on Torture

After I blew the whistle on the CIA’s torture program in 2007, the fallout for me was brutal. To make a long story short, I served nearly two years in federal prison and then endured a few more months of house arrest. What happened to the torture program? Nothing....

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Nonviolence for Whom?

Nonviolence for Whom?

Ferguson. New York. Baltimore. As cities erupt after decades of oppression and violence at the hands of police, calls for nonviolence can be deafening. "Violence isn’t the answer," the moralists chide when protesters throw rocks and clash with police. They're right....

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Loaded Language

Loaded Language

I couldn’t find a hotel room in Nashville when I visited for my brother’s wedding. Maybe that was for the best. I had a longer commute to the clearing in the woods where the wedding would happen the next day, but at least I kept a safe distance from the NRA’s...

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Diplomacy Defeats War for a Change

Diplomacy Defeats War for a Change

With their groundbreaking agreement over Iran's nuclear enrichment program, negotiators in Lausanne, Switzerland scored a major victory for diplomacy over war. Both sides made major concessions. But Iran's concessions are far greater. Tehran agreed to severe cuts in...

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Risky War Business

Risky War Business

From the Islamic State to the streets of Paris, Americans get bombarded daily with fresh reminders of conflicts around the world. What's harder to figure out is what to do about it. What would actually make us safer? Some politicians urge knee-jerk reactions. Spend...

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Mortgaging the Pentagon

Mortgaging the Pentagon

Say you really want a sports car, a vacation, a big new house, or some other fancy thing you can’t really afford. You know that if you buy it, you’ll bust your budget. It would mean a ramen noodle diet and a threadbare closet from now to eternity for you and your...

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The Bibi-GOP Clown Show

The Bibi-GOP Clown Show

That Bibi is such a piece of work. On March 3, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu walked into our Capitol as though he owned the place, stuck a thumb in President Barack Obama’s eye, and walked out to multitudes of cheering Republicans. Is that a mensch or...

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