Rights and Democracy

Where Are the Women?

Where Are the Women?

At the exact moment that I'm writing this, the New York Times homepage is displaying stories authored by 35 men — and eight women. And three of those eight articles were coauthored with men. You can find this data at WhoWritesFor, a website that tracks authorship on...

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Wall Street’s Fix for Homelessness

Wall Street’s Fix for Homelessness

It's so great — truly heartwarming — to see billionaires devoting their deepest thoughts to finding solutions for eradicating poverty. For example, I can't begin to tell you how grateful America's homeless people are going to be once they hear about Andy Kessler, who...

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Dud Congress Breaks with a Thud

Dud Congress Breaks with a Thud

Twenty-two. That's how many bills have become law since the 113th Congress was sworn in on January 3, 2013. It's one more illustration of the dysfunction that's engulfed the Capitol. One bill that did become law this year was the continuing resolution that funded the...

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Get Radio-Active

Get Radio-Active

Are you tired of hearing nothing but the corporate news and mainstream views on commercial, mass-market radio? Well, go get your own station! That's not as preposterous as it might sound, thanks to a freelance, free-range, free-form collective of mostly young...

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Solving the Student Debt Crisis

Solving the Student Debt Crisis

Well, finally! Hard-right congressional leaders and the Obama White House ultimately agreed that interest rates on student loans should not double to nearly 7 percent, as they let happen early in July. Instead, college students will be billed at a rate that will...

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How I Exposed an Undercover Cop

How I Exposed an Undercover Cop

She was an undercover cop who called herself "Missy." When I first met her four years ago, I couldn't have known that the small-framed woman with spiky brown hair and intense eyes was anything but a fellow activist showing up for a protest in Washington, D.C. I...

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A Chance to Start Listening Locally

A Chance to Start Listening Locally

The world of radio is experiencing a shake-up. The country's second-biggest radio network recently announced it may cancel Rush Limbaugh's show on 40 of its major-market stations. This might not be enough to get Rush off the air altogether, but it's a sign that he may...

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