Rights and Democracy

Playing Chicken in the Capitol

Playing Chicken in the Capitol

The problem with the game of chicken — two people racing toward each other, each daring the other to turn aside — is that the crazy one always wins. The one who doesn’t care about head-on collisions has a stunted imagination and can’t conceive of the consequences a crash would produce.

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End the Annual Fluff Outbreaks

End the Annual Fluff Outbreaks

The news media didn’t even wait until summer had officially started this year to begin serving summer fare: fluffy and titillating stories, good for mindless beach readers and lazy reporters in vacation mode, but lacking the public-interest value we need from journalism.

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Injustice Department

Injustice Department

It isn’t so much that I’m against balancing the budget. It’s that I think firing public employees is a lousy way to create jobs. I’ll say this for that strategy though: it beats throwing grandma from the train, which is the other big budget-cutting plan Republicans have in store for us.

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