Rights and Democracy

A Radical Agenda in Troubled Times

It hasn’t been an easy two years. In 2008, Americans flatly rejected a party that had created a devastating recession, sent our troops off to two seemingly unending wars, and refused to find solutions to crises in our immigration and health care systems. Two years later, we’ve seen some progress. Our troops are out of Iraq, Wall Street has been forced to end some of its most dangerous practices, and millions more Americans have health insurance. Other important reforms have been stalled by obstructionists in the U.S. Senate. The economic hard times, and the frustration, still linger.

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From Death Row to Elusive Freedom

Frankly, every time I awaken from this nightmare of finding myself back on death row, I’m embarrassed. I have been out for a long time. I should be over it by now. But every time I get lost in a book or daydream, when I wake up in the morning, or look up from a crossword puzzle or read a newspaper, the feeling creeps up on me. I’m back on death row. And I am not alone.

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Remembering Ron Walters

In an era in which political commentary is so often characterized by shallow sound-bites and shrill hyperbole, Dr. Ronald Walters’ scholarly insights helped shape nearly every advancement of black political empowerment of the last century.

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Sorry, You’re Under Surveillance

Sorry, You’re Under Surveillance

For governments keen on muzzling and thwarting opposition, terrorism is a God-sent cover. A nation subject to terrorist attack can get away with deception, surveillance, secret arrests, harassment, entrapment, censorship, spying, stealing, and grievous infringements on travel. Nothing to it…you just cite national security.

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