But Would Restaurants Have to Serve Libertarians?

Dr. Rand Paul, son of Texas Republican Congressman Ron Paul, is a leading candidate to replace Kentucky’s outgoing Republican Senator, Jim Bunning. He’s seizing on the same citizen anger that fuels the tea partiers (Sarah Palin has endorsed him), but as...

No More Torture

The Guardian, a British newspaper, reports that former “senior officers” in the MI6–the UK’s version of the CIA–are now criticizing U.S. policies and officials for using torture. “Hindsight is easy, but if Bush had placed more...

Cornering the Seed Market

It’s Economics 101, and the National Family Farm Coalition points out what happens with the consolidation of the seed industry: Less competition forces farmers to pay skyrocketing prices. Just like Timothy A. Wise asserted in his OtherWords op-ed, rising seed...

Senate Emissions

The much-debated new Senate climate bill is finally ready to be unveiled on April 26. Sens. John Kerry (D-MA), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), and Joe Lieberman (I-CT) are set to announce the broad long-range goals going beyond “cap and trade” (a scheme Janet...