How to End the Syrian Bloodshed

How to End the Syrian Bloodshed

The international negotiations to end the brutal civil war in Syria were never going to be easy. Getting all sides to the table was itself a huge challenge. On the eve of the talks it looked, for a moment, like at least that first step might be possible. To prevent...
This Week in OtherWords: January 22, 2014

This Week in OtherWords: January 22, 2014

This week in OtherWords, Sarah Anderson, William A. Collins, and I preview what President Obama is likely to say about inequality and taxes during his State of the Union address. Jill Richardson weighs in on the West Virginia chemical spill. Be sure to visit our blog...
The Moral Monday Moment

The Moral Monday Moment

Rosa Parks became a powerful symbol of courage and defiance in the Civil Rights Movement by simply refusing to give up her seat to a white man and move to the back of the bus, as the racist culture of that time dictated she was supposed to do. Only, there was nothing...


At 8 p.m. on Monday January 13, there was no $1.1 trillion spending bill for fiscal year 2014. At least not one that the public or the vast majority of lawmakers had seen. Less than 70 hours later, large majorities in the House and Senate (332 to 94, and 72 to 26,...
Net Neutrality Is Dead. Here’s How to Get It Back

Net Neutrality Is Dead. Here’s How to Get It Back

This piece originally appeared in the Huffington Post. Three judges in D.C. just killed Net Neutrality. This could be the end of the Internet as we know it. But it doesn’t have to be. The big news: A federal appeals court struck down the Federal Communications...