A Shiny New Tool to Pad Profits: Stealing

A Shiny New Tool to Pad Profits: Stealing

Workplace exploitation is at least as old as the industrial revolution. But rather than using whips to make the assembly lines move ever faster, today’s corporate exploiters use technology, devious work schedules, and lobbyists to extract more work from employees —...

A Genuinely Scary Moment in Foreign Policy

I’m scared. I don’t have anything more savvy, or cool, or nuanced to say. I’m just scared. Since November 8, 2016, I’ve felt varying degrees of distress ranging from unease to panic. But whatever Donald Trump has done while in office — however...
A Sick New Game from the Executive Suite

A Sick New Game from the Executive Suite

Today’s corporate captains like to think of themselves not as mere businesspeople, but as geniuses of modern innovation. But innovation for what purpose? After all, some of society’s most inventive minds are flimflammers, Ponzi-schemers, gamers, and embezzlers —...