This Deal Could Save the World

This Deal Could Save the World

While the U.S. was distracted by an election that felt like it would never end, the world did something wonderful. It sounds boring and requires a mini chemistry lesson, but it’s huge. In October, nearly 200 nations signed a deal to phase out the potent...
Who Won in 2016? Big Money.

Who Won in 2016? Big Money.

In one of Agatha Christie’s murder mysteries, the key clue that solved the whodunit wasn’t something that happened, but something that didn’t — specifically, a dog that didn’t bark. That plot fits one of the great mysteries of this year’s...
Walling Them Out, or Walling Us In?

Walling Them Out, or Walling Us In?

Evading security cameras in the remote expanse along the U.S. border, three Guatemalans waited till dusk to slip illicitly into our country. This is the stuff of Donald Trump nightmares — and if he were to witness such a scene, we can only imagine the furious rants...
Trump is the Nation’s Abuser-in-Chief

Trump is the Nation’s Abuser-in-Chief

As an emotional abuse survivor, I get an eerie feeling watching Donald Trump. In fact, a checklist of 30 tactics used by an emotionally abusive partner, published by the blog Live Bold and Bloom, reads like Donald Trump’s debate prep to-do list. One of the...