A Main Street and MLK Boulevard Stimulus

“What good is having the right to sit at a lunch counter if you can’t afford a hamburger?” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. asked in 1968. Today, many of us who fought for lunch-counter rights have children and grandchildren who can’t afford a...

King Coal and Big Oil are in Trouble

The true cost of fossil fuels is getting harder to ignore. When a BP oil rig exploded in the Gulf of Mexico on April 20, killing 11 workers and unleashing a catastrophic spill, the coal-mine explosion in West Virginia that killed 29 miners hadn’t yet faded from...

Safe Food, from Soil to Plate

E. coli-laden romaine lettuce recently sickened dozens of Americans in five states, as a food-related listeria outbreak killed at least two Texans. These were just the latest in a string of similar incidents. An endless deluge of foodborne illness outbreaks demands...

Times Square Bomber Popped a Bubble

The bubble is bursting. I’m not talking about the Greek economy, the collapse of which has bankers and finance ministers trembling from Athens to Antarctica. Nor am I talking about the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, which reminds us once again that our current...

Constitution v. Corporations

With her impressive resume and intellectual ability, Solicitor General Elena Kagan is obviously qualified to be a Supreme Court judge. We’ll hear all about that as senators and journalists dig into the record of President Barack Obama’s nominee to replace...