George McGovern’s Shining Moment

George McGovern’s Shining Moment

It is eerily fitting that George McGovern’s passing occurred in the final heat of a furious election campaign, precariously balanced between Republocrats and Democlicans, two corporately owned political parties. The corporate media can try to fan the public...
Supremely High Stakes in This Election

Supremely High Stakes in This Election

The rights of working families across America hang in the balance this Election Day. The future of laws protecting working people — our right to safe working conditions, to organize, and to sue employers who have discriminated against us — will depend on...
Where’s Joe the Plumber When You Need Him?

Where’s Joe the Plumber When You Need Him?

Four years ago, a chance encounter between Barack Obama and Samuel “Joe the Plumber” Wurzelbacher injected inequality right into the heart of the 2008 presidential race. Obama explained to the then-unknown Wurzelbacher that “when you spread the...
GOP Looks in Mirror, Spots Voter Fraud

GOP Looks in Mirror, Spots Voter Fraud

At my age, I thought I’d seen pretty much everything — and I’ve been to the carny sideshow at the Texas State Fair twice. But now comes a Houston-based, tea-party outfit calling itself True the Vote. It claims to be dedicated to sniffing out...
Can Obama Get His Groove Back?

Can Obama Get His Groove Back?

One January night before his re-election campaign heated up, President Obama took the podium at the Apollo theatre in Harlem. He scanned the room and flashed his megawatt smile, prompting the crowd of 1,400 young professionals to cheer “Four More Years! Four...