Out-of-Whack Budget Whackers

Let’s play a game called “Washington Budget Whackers Go Wacky”! Unfortunately, though, it’s not a game. Ax-wielding Republicans and Democrats alike are madly whacking at our nation’s public programs in a political contest to show which of...

Our Corporate Courts

When corporate executives needed a political favor, they used to run to Congress. Now they can also run to the courthouse. Over the years, corporate chieftains and their political henchmen have steadily ensconced reliable laissez-faire ideologues in hundreds of...

SOTU: Smoked Salmon on Wonder Bread

The good news for President Barack Obama is that his one joke in an otherwise dead-serious 2011 State of the Union address elicited a chuckle from the assembled lawmakers in the chamber and sent ripples of humorous asides through the blogosphere. In case you missed...